SHOW TITLE: The Changing Room
ROLE: Robotic Camera Operator

Presented by fashion expert Henry Holland, ‘The Changing Room‘ is about revealing the inner workings behind the closed door of the fitting rooms and uncovering all the drama, secrets and brutally honest opinions.
I was responsible for the camera side – tech reccces, rigging, camera positions, cabling, coverage, and filming.
Filming in House of Fraser, New Look, H&M, Monsoon and River Island, each retail store had their own challenges. Rigging overnight, shop access restrictions, rigging cameras without damaging or effecting the current building, shop floor coverage, camera mounting, long cable runs through ceilings to avoid interruption from day to day operations, were all examples that each location had that we needed to overcome for a successful filming.
Each location had up to 5 x Sony H900 cameras within the changing rooms and shop floor, with Toshiba minicams as fixed wide shots. Making sure all areas of the shop floor were covered was a priority.
We had a control room setup within the shop floor to be able to control, film, watch, and direct what was happening on the shop floor. This needed to be discreet and self contained, with many locations needing fake walls being built to hide the crew and control room.
Robotic camera operator
Minicam operator
Attention to detail and accuracy
Rigging and de-rigging
Matching of multiple cameras
Health and safety
Excellent problem-solving skills
Thinking editorially
Multi skilled
Following instructions and assignments from the director
Tecce recce and planning